Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This land is your land - the land of friendship. Stay there.

I just saw a gifset from a cartoon show that possibly shook me up more than most things do.

Well, this is my brain.

"I was in the friendzone," it said, "and before I knew what was happening, he pulled me into the romance zone. It was like quicksand."

This is upsetting for how true it is.

Not to brag - more like the opposite - but I've been that mopey person in the friend zone and the one that designates friends to stay in the friend zone.

Frankly, I'm not sure which is worse.

I'm sure everyone who has put friends in the friend zone can back up with good reasoning why it was paramount they create their own friend zone. I know I had very clear reasons for forcing my male friends into this territory.

So why is it so bad? Why is the friend zone really so bad? I mean, I put someone there because I knew I couldn't trust myself with anything more with them or I knew I'd just hurt them or get hurt if we were anything more than friends or I didn't have any feelings for them beside friendship and I knew I never would. I thought I was doing right to show them to their designated land.

But somewhere along the way, I forgot they had feelings too. I forgot it wasn't all about me. I forgot to talk to them and explain why I so dearly wanted their friendship and nothing else. I forgot to listen to their side of things. I forgot you can't just move people around a chess board - or a friendship board - and hope they play by the rules.

I wish they would.

I wish I would too, when I've been in the friendzone.

I like to think I'm more mature now, that I can control my emotions, that that's just part of growing up and sometimes it sucks but we are the product of a Fallen World.

Thank God God never puts me in the friend zone. Thank God He is always calling me to walk beside Him and hold His hand, even when I think I've been abandoned in the friend zone, or I think I can never be forgiven for the sins of putting people there.

Thank God for God being God and not me.