I have wanted to have a blog for several years now, but I kept pushing it to the side, firstly because I didn't want to seem narcissistic or because I figured no one would care to read my ramblings in blog form, so why have one?
While I still don't have an answer for this, I am hoping to break through the narcissistic aspect of blogging and somehow find a way to make this not so much about me but about whoever happens to stumble upon my ramblings, if anyone.
I will try my hardest never to write unnecessarily about myself. For all intended purposes, I plan on writing about books that I think the world's population needs to read and music that will grace the ears of the world and thoughts from people so much smarter than me that I want to share.
I would like to think of this blog as more of a vessel for me to share the brilliance of others that I have happened to come in contact with.
With that said, go listen to this song.
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