Monday, October 15, 2012

"Expecting an epic ending, most underdogs end up not winning."

I wouldn't mind if my things were published or produced anonymously or with a pen name, or if I just sat in the very back of the theatre and wasn't allowed to tell anyone it was mine.

I really wouldn't.

Because when I watch a really great film or see a really great play or read a really great book or listen to a really great song, I feel inspiration with every second. And I know how wonderful that feels, how it's like breathing in the freshest air imaginable.

And I would feel like I've done something worthwhile if I could see the look on just one person's face when they left the theatre of my play or finished reading my short story. That look that tells me they are going to go home and create something wonderful themselves, be it a work of fiction or a piece of pottery or compose a song or even just knit a beautiful pair of socks, all because they saw my things and were inspired to create themselves.

That's all the fame I'd ever want.

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