Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day Ten: The Nanny

This is very incomplete. But it's late and I'm tired, so yeah.

It's incomplete.


Scene One

(LIGHTS come up to reveal several woman standing around in 3 or 4 groups talking. There is a TABLE in the middle of the room with a tea set and snacks.)

The other day, you won’t believe what little Jimmy did. I was in the living room cleaning up a little, you know, the children, I love them but they make such a mess sometimes, but I never mind cleaning it up because they’re just so adorable. Anyways, I was picking up some of their precious little toys and just straightening things up before Jason came home, and little Jimmy walks into the living room and holds up a plate with oreos he’s “decorated” with grape jelly and sprinkles, and yells out, just as loud as his little voice can, “Mommy, it’s an I-Love-You cookie kind of day.”

                                                (WOMEN standing in this circle all “awww”
                                                loudly and dramatically.)

I know. It was just the cutest little thing. So then I went into the kitchen and made him one too, and we ended up spending the rest of the day making I-Love-You cookies for Jason when he got home. We had a whole dish of them just waiting on Jason. It was just the darndest thing.

                                                (WOMEN and KATHERINE freeze and lights
                                                dim, and NORA walks onto the stage and
                                                addresses the audience.)

That’s Mrs. Zimmerbold there, Katherine to all her friends, but always Mrs. Zimmerbold to me. Let me tell you a little bit about Katherine Zimmerbold. Her maiden name was Addison, but when she married Jason Zimmerbold, she not only took on his name, but his 3.5 million dollars in the bank, his mansion in the country, his ginormous apartment on the west side of town, his grandmother’s wedding ring that was appraised at two hundred grand, and, last but least to Katherine, the children she bore him. Let me tell you something else about Katherine Zimmerbold; I am her nanny. I am not Nora Simpleton from Virginia or even Ted Simpleton’s daughter. I am Katherine Zimmerbold’s Nanny. The few times I’ve accidentally been seen at one of Katherine Zimmerbold’s house parties because Jim needed a glass of water or Kitty wanted a bedtime snack, she’s just said, “Oh, everyone, this is My Nanny.” I am Katherine Zimmerbold’s Nanny, and I do not exist.

                                                (WOMEN and KATHERINE become unfrozen
                                                and begin laughing.)

                                                WOMAN #1
Oh Katherine, you just have the cutest kids. I don’t know how you manage to do everything you do for Jason and keep up house and home and still manage to have the cutest little interactions with your adorable children. It really is just heroic.

Well, ladies, you know I would be nothing without those kids. I would just shrivel up and die without them.

                                                (LIGHTS fade. LIGHTS come back up
                                                revealing just KATHERINE on stage as she
                                                addresses the audience.)

I have a little secret to confess. Jimmy actually made the cookie for The Nanny. But when she told me the story, it was just too adorable to pass up. And some of the ladies have been giving me The Look, so I needed to come up with something fast. You know The Look. Here, let me show you.

                                                (KATHERINE gives the audience The Look.)

That’s The Look. That look of disapproval, of wondering, of fake concern. I’ve been getting it because everything thinks I haven’t been spending time with my family. Which is ridiculous. I make sure to spend fifteen minutes with The Nanny every other night, listening to her stories of how the children are. I mean. My god, what else do I have time for? The children know I love them of course. I usually go and kiss them goodnight when I get home from my long days with the ladies. Sometimes I’m just too tired, but who can blame me? I lead a full rich wife’s life. I don’t have time for the Mother of the Year award.

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