Yup, that's right.
I'm back on the Whole30 train. Kind of.
The past month not being on the strict Whole30 has been pretty eye-opening for me. Mostly eye-opening in that left to my own desires, I will literally eat like a garbage person every single meal, regardless of how it makes my body feel.
I came out of my 19-day Whole30 stretch feeling invigorated, excited to keep mostly to a Whole30 diet, but allowing myself cheat days, cheat meals, little slides here and there.
And for the first week or two, I actually did pretty well.
And then my husband and I bought a house.
I don't know about you, but moving is probably the most annoying thing in my First-World-Problems life.
Mainly because I start out packing strong, then by like day 3 of packing, I just start throwing things in boxes with no regard to organization.
Oh, and I don't want to grocery shop with the moving mentality.
My husband wasn't keen on grocery shopping when we're packing and living in a crazy apartment for a week and a half either, so we just didn't.
We just didn't buy groceries.
Which means that for literally every meal for almost two weeks, we ate out.
And I had just come off of the strictest diet I have ever done in my life.
And we just spent hella lot of money on a house.
So it's fair to say that we didn't choose well during those two weeks of eating out.
There was a lot of Papa John's delivery, Burger King, Arby's, and whatever else we had a coupon for ie lots of fast food places.
There were some meals where I tried to be "good". We went to Whole Foods a few times and I got a salad... and a slice of pizza.
Moving and doing an adult thing like buying a house are just really stressful things for my brain. And when I get stressed, I just want to eat junk.
So a lot of junk has been consumed over the past two weeks.
Which is why I am back on the Whole30 train.
I'm trying to be smarter about it this time than I was at the beginning of last time.
I planned out realistic menu options that I can make whilst unpacking.
I went easy on myself and picked recipes with easy ingredients that I can get at Kroger so I don't have to have another meltdown at the store (if you need a refresher on my grocery store meltdown...)
Like these Egg "Muffins" with egg, sausage, green pepper, mushroom, and seasonings that actually turned out pretty great.
I acknowledged to myself right off the bat that some small cheats might happen, and that's okay. I don't need to beat myself up for putting low-sugar low-salt spaghetti sauce on my veggies and beef when I can't find a better solution that's under $30.

Once with the above-mentioned spaghetti sauce, and once when I truly forgot that I was doing Whole30 and grabbed a handful of chocolate chips and stuffed them into my face. #movingbrain
But even though my "spaghetti" had a little cheat with it, it's a far better dinner than the countless burgers and fries I consumed the past two weeks...
My "spaghetti" was zucchini, red peppers, and mushrooms topped with ground chuck with the spaghetti sauce.
I'm excited to do this right and to not feel like such a garbage person. Smoothie away!
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