Monday, December 3, 2012

Not talking and doors shut are great, let's keep it up.

When you don't say a word when you come home, I don't know what that means. I suspect it means either I've done something to piss you off, or work has you irritated.

When I say hello and you mumble a hey before going into your room and shutting the door, I don't know what that means. It begins to confirm my suspicions that you are pissed at me for some reason.

When you think I'm on the couch but hear me in the kitchen so you deliberately turn around and don't walk into the kitchen like I know you were about to just do and walk back into your room, I don't know what that means. My suspicions that you are angry at me are building.

When I take the food I've cooked for tomorrow out of the oven and leave it sitting on the oven to cool, then come back into the living room, so you run out of your room and into the kitchen and then loudly say, "Seriously? Wow," before grabbing a beer and running back into your room and slamming the door behind you, I do in fact know what this means. It means I have pissed you off. Seeing as I have not seen you all day and I have cleaned the kitchen, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, taken the trash and the recycling and taken all of my clutter from the living room into my room because I know it annoys you when I leave it in the living room, I am racking my brain to think of what I have done to piss you off so horribly.

The only conclusion I can come to is that my food cooling before I stick it in the fridge for tomorrow has pissed you off. I know what you're thinking; how could that have pissed you off?

Well, I'm back to where I started. I don't know.

I suppose I have a hard time reading your mind. Please forgive me for that, I'll try to do better.

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