Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Inflatable Exercise Ball I Now Call A Chair

I spent a large chuck of time today trying to not fall over.
Let me ‘splain.
A few weeks ago, my lower back started giving me fits. Like any sane person, I immediately thought of that Joseph Gordon-Levitt movie 50/50 where he has lower back pain and it turns out he has cancer.
Once I calmed down a bit, I remembered that I have probably the worst posture of anyone in all space and time, and that was probably the culprit.
I’ve always wanted to have great posture. I took piano lessons throughout my childhood and teenage years, and was always told to sit up straight by my teachers. Spoiler alert, I would sit up straight for them in lessons, and then go back to my terrible posture at home when I was practicing.
I’ve noticed a pattern evolving in my life: I discern something that is wrong or needs to be improved on in my life. And then I don’t do anything about it.
I decided to do something about my posture. Mostly because my posture has become in my mind a symbol of failures. Failures to act on change that I want to see happen, failures on constantly evolving into a better person, failures to clichély be the woman I want to be.
So I bought an exercise ball.
I followed the steps to the upmost, making sure to do everything right. I inflated it 90% yesterday, let it sit in the corner of my cubicle overnight, deflated it to 50% this morning, then inflated it up to 100%.
I don’t understand why this is the system for inflating an exercise ball, but then again I didn’t make the exercise ball, so what do I know.
Once it was inflated, I decided to try it out.
Fact: Sitting on an exercise ball whilst typing and answering the phone is not as easy as it looks. I nearly fell over in the first fifteen seconds of sitting on it and trying to type at my computer at the same time.
So I decided to compromise.
Savour it.
Build to it.
I am now making myself sit on it for 30 minute intervals three times a day every day while at work.
And I am determined to not cheat or quit.
I may just fall over a lot.

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