Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Newlyweds

[Because airports are great places to people watch and creep on conversations in lines in front of you and gain inspiration.]

Michael knew airports and flying were stressful and complicated.

He knew this was just how it was supposed to be.

But he forgot about the stress he was supposed to feel every time he looked over at Ellie.

"Why do I need so many pieces of paper?" she muttered, more to herself Michael guessed than to him. "Just give me one for all the flights and luggage combined and I promise I won't loose it."

Michael smiled for the two hundred and fifty-seventh time that morning and slipped his hand into Ellie's.

She immediately looked up at him, a huge grin gracing her face, all thoughts of paper complaints forgotten at his action.

"How ready are you for Hawaii?" Michael said, grinning himself.

"SO READY!" Ellie squealed, squeezing his hand as hard as she could.

Michael tried to make himself cognizant of the things around him - the long security line, the grumpy airport staff, the hurried feel of the building.

Maybe if Ellie's fingers weren't entwined with his he would have had a better shot at paying attention.

But he didn't really want to test that theory.

"Sweetie, don't forget to take your belt off," Ellie said softly as she slipped her shoes off for the security line.

"Right, right, thanks darling," Michael replied before kissing her forehead. "Excuse me, sir?"

The attendant looked up from the monitor slowly, an annoyed look on his face trying to be covered up by an obvious fake smile plastered on his lips only. "Yes?"

"Could, do you think my wife and I could keep our wedding rings on through the scanner?"

The attendant blinked. A genuine smile began to form, covering his entire face. "Newlyweds?"

"Yes sir," Michael replied proudly, putting his arm around Ellie.

"Three days strong," Ellie added, staring up at Michael with a dreamy look.

The attendant chuckled, then said, "Sure, keep 'em on."

"Really? Thanks, man!" Michael said, a feeling of wanting to hug the attendant sweeping over him.

"It's my wife and I's fifteenth anniversary this weekend," the attendant continued as Michael unloaded his electronics into a plastic hub.

"Fifteen? Congratulations!" Ellie said happily.

"Still feels like yesterday," the attendant said, looking at the monitor again but still smiling.

"Fifteen," Michael repeated. "I can't wait."

"We're on our way to our honeymoon in Hawaii!" Ellie offered enthusiastically.

"I went there with my wife too," the attendant said, his smile getting bigger. "Say hi to the island for me."

"We will!" both Michael and Ellie said in unison.

"Have a good flight and happy honeymoon," the attendant chuckled.

"Bye!" Ellie called with a wave as she was barked at by another attendant to come through.

Michael sighed happily as he held his hands up for another security officer to scan him and pat him down.

"All right, you're good," the officer grumbled, gesturing for him to leave and leave quickly.

"Thank you!" Michael called out as he grabbed his bag and headed towards Ellie up ahead.

The officer stared at him for a moment, an almost smile coming to her face. "You're welcome," she muttered before barking for the next person in line.

Ellie put out her hand for Michael who immediately took it, brought it to his lips, and kissed it softly.

"Gate nine, husband," Ellie said, the dreamy look still in her eyes.

"Gate nine, wife," Michael responded, squeezing her hand tightly as they walked towards their plane. "Whoever said airports are stressful was obviously not with their new beautiful wife."

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