Friday, June 19, 2015

The Start

I’ve been dealing with some Real Adult Problems in the past six months.

Moving out of my parent’s house (again), learning to remember to pay bills (and lessons learned through late fees), realizing that a bed time is something that both children and adults needs, roommates moving out unexpectedly and what it means to live alone, how to balance keeping a boyfriend in mind when making decisions but also keeping my independence, realizing my body no longer can eat $15 worth of Taco Bell at once like my 19 year old self had no problem doing, having to wear both an ankle brace and a knee brace when I exercise because I am falling apart a little bit.

Things like that.

Adulting is not what you think it will be when you are 16 and can’t wait to be on your own, and it’s certainly not what you think it will be when you are 22 and considering your soon-to-be life after college.

I have proved both of these facts very well (or very poorly, however you look at it).

I didn’t ever think when I was 16, let alone 22, that I would be dealing with breaking a lease with a roommate not once but twice, having to stay in a hotel room for several nights because of a disturbing situation with a stalker knowing where I lived, struggling with alcohol, dealing with something along the lines of a food dependency because I was lonely, or learning to be content and joyful about where God has allowed me to be career-wise.

This isn’t what the movies lead me to believe would happen.

One of my favourite lines of all time from any movie is Rosie O’Donnell’s sage wisdom to Meg Ryan in Sleepless In Seattle: “You don’t want to be in love, you want to be in love in a movie.”

I think this could be applied to everything in life, at least for me.

Writing / blogging things out has become a form of therapy for me, so I present to you my plans with my blog for the next little bit: A series. Over the next several blog entries / weeks, I will blog about different Adult Things I have learned / am learning, and how they are not what I expected or originally perceived.

I am calling this series, fittingly, You Don’t Want To _____, You Want To ______ In A Movie.

Here we go.

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