Monday, September 22, 2014

Day Eleven: Boys Confuse Me.

Boys confuse me.

Allow me to give a verbatim conversation I had at the gym:

Me: Hey, this book has been in the locker room since before the weekend. Would you put it in the lost and found box?

Boy: Sure. My dad loves that author.

Me: Oh yeah? I've never heard of him.

Boy: He writes political mystery type books. Like a less-good Tom Clancy.

Me: Ah. I see.

Boy: I don't think you'd like them.

Me: Um. Why do you say that?

Boy: You don't seem like that type of girl.

Me: Oh. Okay. Well, what type of girl do I seem like?

Boy: I'm still figuring that out. I don't know you. You know, yet.

Me: Yet?

Boy: Yeah. Maybe we can change that.

Me: Oh. *tries to remember how to flirt since I am obviously getting flirted at*

Boy: Did you get to go outside today? I got to take my girlfriend's dog for a walk and it was so nice outside today.

Me: Your. Girlfriend's. Dog. Right. No, I didn't go outside. I was at work. And now I'm going to go work out. So.

Boy: Yeah. Flex your muscles. Keep getting toned. You look toned.

Me: Cool. Thanks. Bye.

I repeat. Boys confuse me.

I went to a school that had a MRS degree and a plan called Ring By Spring where you were supposed to meet your future spouse in line for registration as a freshman (yes, we were actually told this multiple times by people in authority), then get engaged by your spring semester freshman year.

I was not one of those girls who got this degree.

I was the girl who stayed in my dorm room having Ugly Betty marathons my first semester at this college instead of starting this degree. And then I was too busy with Student Media and just trying to pass my classes and cramming in as many How I Met Your Mother marathons with my roommate as I possibly could.

Not much has changed.

Sometimes it really confuses me how some of my amazing girl friends are still single, why a boy hasn't come to his senses and seen how amazing they are.

Sometimes it never ceases to amaze me that society encourages a slutty lifestyle and expects us to actually find someone to love us this way.

Sometimes it makes me sad that one is told this is the best time of one's life, and I'd like to have someone to share this time with.

But mostly sometimes it just makes me bloody confused when I have interactions like the one above.

I don't have any kind of answer or little bow to wrap this up with. It's just one of those things.

Boys confuse me.

But Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferrell singing about tight pants does not.

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